My first trip to New York City was a one day bus trip with my 6th grade class. We visited a few major sights: The World Trade Center, a boat trip past the Statue of Liberty, a car accident in Chinatown, and the UN just before they closed for the day. Then we boarded the bus back to Virginia, and spent another 6 hours to get home. It was very exciting for a bunch of 11 and 12 year old kids. Most of our field trips were to DC, which was fine, but had become old hat. I went again in high school on a weekend long theater trip, where many of us got our first taste for independent city life.
Shiny and colorful |
One of the things I like about living in New Jersey is the quick and easy access to NYC. Since I moved here for grad school, I've been there for concerts, tourist dates, even work-related functions. It's fun to have reasonable access to a place that attracts so many big things.
Despite my frequent visits, there are so many places I haven't been. As a lifelong sewist, I've done some minor visits to the garment district, but i've never fully explored it's wonders. As I am in the process of starting my own sewing business, I needed some specific supplies. Now seemed to be the perfect time to expand my knowledge.
On Tuesday, I made the trek into Manhattan with a twofold plan:
1. Visit
Spandex House and
Spandex World
2. Take the subway to Brooklyn to visit my boyfriend.
I got into the city around 10:30, with a plan to head to Brooklyn around 1. I spent 3 hours on ONE BLOCK in the garment district. I had spandex on the brain, so my purchases had a specific focus, but I couldn't help but browse every store I passed. I was a little overwhelming, to say the least, but I managed to control myself. I made lots of mental notes on things to come back for (and what kind of game plan I should have on my next visit). But don't worry, I did bring plenty home.
This was my haul, in bag form. Note that i made purchases from both Spandex House and Spandex World. Can't leave anyone out!
My shiny and printed yards from Spandex World. They are all 4 way stretch.
Milliskin spandex from Spandex House. The purple, red and green are all shiny, while the pink is matte. These are also 4 way stretch.
Now, you may be asking yourself,
"what's with all the spandex?" The first part of my sewing business plan
is making and selling roller derby shorts. I've been playing for about
a year and a half, and one of the coolest parts about this sport is
incorporating your own style into your practice and game outfits (the
latter is known as "boutfits"). I'm hoping to use my sewing skills and
my knowledge of the sport to create comfortable and fun gear for
My only non-spandex fabric purchase: 4 yards of thin yellow and white flowery cotton. I think this will make a fantastic summer dress.
I felt like i really scored when it came to notions. It had never occured to me how much cheaper they were when purchased from a bulk distributor. The 8" invisible zippers were 50 cents a piece. I bought 10 yards of elastic, and then found the same elastic on a large spool for even less. I also bought a big box of tailors chalk in different colors(which i always lose), some wider elastic, and a zipper to fix a friend's coat. Everything was so low in price. I'm never buying notions from a chain craft store again!
The second part of my plan had a few flaws (construction causing the subway line i was on to reroute) but I made it to Brooklyn safely. No pictures of that, this time, but you can expect there will be many more city adventures in my future.