I hope everyone had a wonderful winter holiday, and a happy new year. I was lucky enough to spend Christmas with my mother and sister in Virginia. It was a nice, relaxing holiday. Even though I didn't leave the house, I wore my reindeer toss dress (not blogged, pictured
here) and felt festive and comfortable all day. For new year's eve, I went to a party dressed in a flapper inspired outfit and makeup. I was sparkly and happy, a great way to start the new year!
Like everyone else, I try to make new years resolutions but rarely keep them. Goals like "lose 15 lbs" or "start working out" are incredibly cliched, almost as overdone as giving up those resolutions by mid-month.
What is the point of new year's resolutions anyway? Are we more likely to accomplish these goals at the new year as opposed to any other time of year?
This year, instead of making a promise I won't keep, I'm going to resolve to do a few things I've been thinking about for awhile. These aren't just new year's resolutions, they are my 2013 style resolutions.
This year, I resolve to:
Cultivate a personal style that makes me both comfortable and confident!
Make as much of my wardrobe as possible. I have a huge stash of patterns, fabric, and sewing know-how. I need to make the most of it! As a sub resolution, I would like to complete AT LEAST two new garments a month. That isn't that many, so I think I can keep up with it.
Only purchase things that fit into my personal style, and fill a gap in my current wardrobe.
Cull my wardrobe of the pieces that are boring, uncomfortable, or unflattering.*
Blog about my style, even while my wardrobe is under construction. This includes sewing posts!
What about you? Have you made any resolutions? Are you going to use the new year to make a big change?
*Sadly, this part will have to have gaps for work & interview attire. I suppose I will hang on to my boring grey interview suit.